While Having a 3Year Old, Do I Still Install a Newborn Carseat in the Middle???

Updated on February 09, 2009
H.L. asks from Los Angeles, CA
4 answers

Hi ladies... Here's my delema...
My 3 year old sits behind the passenger seat in the back forward facing (obviously).. i'm having another, and need to install the baby carseat too, but do I put it in the middle again, right next to my 3 year old? or do i put my 3 year old behind me and my newborn behind the passenger seat rear facing??? i've seen people do both, so i was just wondering what your feedback on that is... any advise is welcome...

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answers from Los Angeles on

Hi H.,

I have 3 kids (one of which is a new baby) and I was told by my ped. and the fire department that behind the passenger seat is the least safe place in the car, therefore if you have a combo of infants/toddlers in the car, then the INFANT should go in this position. This is because their seat is the most protective (more so than a booster or front facing harness seat). Behind the driver is the next safest spot so the seat with the next highest protection should go there, and the child in the least protective seat (like a backless booster) should go in the middle. It is kind of a weird decision to make, like which one of my kids gets the safest spot, but what they said to me does make sense (esp since I have one infant seat, one front facing harness and one backless booster) so I went with it. I have never had problems with an older sibling bugging the baby (even when I just had two) so depending on the personality of your 3 y/o, you may WANT them to be right next to each other. I have actually found it easier for them to be right next to the baby in case you need to have them start giving them a bottle in a pinch, or hand them a pacifier or toy while driving. Nothing raises the stress level like a crying baby in the back seat when you are driving and feel helpless :) Congrats to you whatever you decide!



answers from Los Angeles on

We had our 3 year old on one side and the baby in the middle. It worked out well, our daughter kept our son enteratined and she loved to "help" him. Give it a try. If there is a problemput one child on each side.



answers from Honolulu on

The middle is definitely safest, but here is the question - do you trust your son to not "pick" at the baby? or accidentally drop toys on baby?

I used to have my daughter in the middle (rear facing) and the little boy I babysat on the passenger side (front facing) and he would always put his feet in my daughter's face, or pick at her, and then she would get crabby (can't blame her!) and it just made for a horrible ride. Plus it could be dangerous for a newborn. My daughter was over 1 when this happened so she was somewhat able to defend herself at least.

If you think your son is capable of being gentle and keeping his hands/feet to himself, then it should be fine!



answers from Los Angeles on

Hello! I think the answer is yes. It is not illegal to put them by the door, but for many reasons, the center is the safest. I am in the same boat as you .... our 2nd is arriving in April, so we will put him in the middle and keep our daughter behind my seat. That way, she can be helpful to me and another person could still techinically fit in the back seat if necessary. Good luck!

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