I know what you're talking about. I've encountered similar situations and have walked away feeling something was wrong with me or my personality. And with me too, these situations sit way too long on my mind and linger. I used to try to change the way I acted, but being older now, I think it's best just to be true to who you are. To give her a little benefit of the doubt, perhaps she didn't hear you? Sometimes when people say something to me, if there's background noise, I know they were speaking to me but I don't know what they've said. Typically I don't ask them to repeat because I'm too embarrassed I missed what they've said. But I will make eye contact and smile to acknowledge them. In your next encounter with these snooty type people, maybe try to visualize their behavior as "bouncing" off you and not penetrating you so this doesn't ruin your day. Unfortunately, we can't change anyone, but we can select our mindset. Have a nice holiday, H.!