I have worked in a NICU since the early 80's. Back then there was only amnio to determine Down's. The big difference I see is that parents who know their baby has Down's prior to birth have mentally worked out what this means for their family prior to the birth. For parents who did not know prior to the birth, it often felt like a death. These parents went on to love their child, but all the expectations they had when the didn't know their child had Down's were now gone. It takes awhile to mentally process this new reality. I think there is benefit to going through this mental process prior to the birth. Down's babies can have intestinal and/or heart problems. There is a benefit to the baby as well as the family to know these things prior to birth. Decisions can be made about where to deliver and which specialists should be available. For example, knowing the baby has a heart defect means you would likely choose to deliver at a hospital that can care for a child with the defect. Otherwise the baby will be transferred to another hospital and the mother remains where she delivered. As I have posted before having an amnio showing a problem with the baby does not mean you have to have an abortion. It may be an option for some families, but not for all. The knowledge allows you to prepare better for the birth.