Um. I'm jealous. If only I was as compelled to jog as I was to get up and get my cup of coffee and check my email. If you have something you do every day, and you have the time in place for it, YAY! The health benefits to what you're doing are so huge, that I cant' see a reason to cut down.
Now. If you are biting people's heads off all day when you don't exercise, or depriving people of experiences because your exercise routine trumps all-that could be a bit much and you should curb THAT, but in general, I think it's a great thing. I have to drag myself to the gym and it's never pretty. I do it, but I hate it. I wish I was excited to do it. I love doing yoga in the morning, but HATE getting up early.
OOH, red flag I just thought of.....I have several super compulsive runners in my family, as in running EVERY DAY and long marathons etc, who are all now over 50, and they ALL have terrible spine problems. Running is pretty hard on your body, so just be sure to mix it up enough with other exercise, and keep your distance REASONABLE, your shoes TOP NOTCH and don't always run on hard pavement. But as a runner, you know way more about all that than me. I jog like twice a year if that:)