Wii Games for 5 Year Old Girl?

Updated on January 17, 2010
J.P. asks from Glendale Heights, IL
7 answers

We just got Wii for Christmas and the whole family is enjoying it. My daughter who is almost 5 likes to try to play, but most of the games are too hard for her and she gets frustrated. She is pretty good at the bowling, and trying to get the hang of golf and tennis along with some of the activities on Wii Fit. I know they sell games that are geared for kids, so I'd love some feedback on any games that a spunky energetic little girl would love.

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answers from Chicago on

We just got the game "Wii Sports Resort". We love it and so do my nephews. Very simple, short games.


answers from Dallas on

My girls will be 5 in March and we just got the Wii-I bought them Dora and Diego games which are pretty easy. Go to the Wii website and you can see all the games available. They have some now that are for the whole family-like one with carnival game.


answers from Chicago on

Mario cart is a favorite over here! My 6 year old was able to do it at 5 and he enjoyed it. My 4 year old daughter enjoys it, even if she does go around the course the wrong way sometimes.



answers from Chicago on

we have the dora princess game that is fun for my 4 yr old.....



answers from Chicago on

We bought the Disney Princess Enchanted Journey game. It's fairly easy to play. My 3 year old daughter loves it, although I do have to help her some of the time. We also have the Mario Brothers Kart game which both kids enjoy playing. Don't know if she'd be interested, but the games based on the Pixar movie Cars are good and not too difficult. We have the racing game and my 5 year old absolutely loves it! Hope this helps.



answers from Chicago on

My kids and my best friends kids like the big brain academy. My 5 yo son also likes Mario Kart (I have to help him a little though). My husband works for a developer and did the Dora and Diego games, they are easy enough for a 3 year old (for a 5 year old she may go through them faster though). He also recently did one called Ni Hao Kai Lan Super Game day that is really fun and easy for the kids. I enjoy playing it with my 5 year old.



answers from Seattle on

my daughter is 6 but she loves the mario cart racing game and my husband plays with her.. I love the the mario orginal game they brought back.. she plays that one but it is harder for her than the race game.

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