5-6 small meals a day is what nutritionists recommend we all eat all the time.
NO. Not every time the baby kicks... or you'll be eating 40 or 50 times a day here soon.
Baby's schedules tend to be "reversed" when they're born. As we're sleeping they tend to be awake and moving around. When we're awake and moving around they spend most of their time asleep (our movements "rock them to sleep").
Eating the moment you wake up is an old (and true) trick to prevent morning sickness in most women. To the point of many women keeping crackers on the nightstand so they can put something in their mouth before even getting out of bed. If you're not fighting nausea it's not overly necessary to eat right away.
No matter WHEN you eat the placenta is sucking the nutrients out of your body 24/7. It will pull from your bones and organs if the right nutrients aren't present (just like an anorexic's body eats itself to survive). The stream of nutrients varies a lot in composition (depending on what is needed) but it's pretty constant. If the mother is starving the body cuts off the blood supply to the placenta, ending the transmission of nutrients, effectively causing a miscarriage. The starvation has to be fairly advanced for that to happen. The placenta / fetus is pretty parasitical. Doesn't care when you ate last, just yanks what it needs when it needs it from your system. So in extreme cases, in order to protect itself, the body "cuts off" the placenta. You don't have to worry about that... it takes days or longer of not eating for that to happen.
It's been posited (and makes sense) that pregnancy cravings are directly related to what the placenta is yanking from the body. Rare steak is protein &/or iron (spinach will often satisfy a "I wanna hear it moo" red meat cravings), saurkraut & icecream would be salts, fats, calcium, and trace minerals, etc. A woman who is eating a very nutritionally dense diet tends to have a lot fewer cravings than a woman who is eating a more "normal" diet. In either case, however, nutritionists specializing in pregnancy recommend that you follow your cravings.