Sometimes we have so many things in life staring us in the face that we should be thankful for, but that just doesn't hit the mark The things we want most to be okay may not be up to snuff and that may be what is keeping all that is usually shining from really coming thru, but you will get there. Once things get back on track with your mom, you will. It is a lot that you are doing and I, along with many others, admire you. Just be sure you take out a little bit of time from your busy day with your mom and your precious little one for some "you time", I know, that's hard, but just do a little something for yourself. I won't even give you all of the usual mumbo jumbo about how things happen for a reason & all, but just know that what you are doing is appreciated. My stepmom has Alzheimers but her & my dad live in AZ so I don't get out to see them very often, but my dad and I speak every day and he keeps me posted about what a job that can be with the daily care taking. I hope your day turned around somewhat and one thought to ponder is just knowing that what you are doing on a daily basis now is going to be played out in years to come with your own child. You are teaching her love and compassion of your mom and that one day will come back to you as well. You are an amazing woman :)