All the work from home businesses such as Tupperware, Avon, Lia Sophia, etc...take a lot of time and effort in order to make a good income. Most of the businesses also mean a few evenings/weekends away from home to throw parties. It's not as "easy" as a lot of consultants make it sound! I'm not sure how much money you want to make to help with your family's finances, but if you are willing to make a dedicated effort, it CAN be done! I am an independant consultant for a company called Heritage Makers. We are a digital storybooking and digital scrapbooking company. I'll be honest, we are set up similar to the other home-based party companies. The one reason I chose to be a consultant for HM vs other home party companies is that I've seen HM change people's lives! It's a wonderful company with tons of support! WITH EFFORT you can make a legitimate income! It's a newer company (just celebrated it's 2yr anniversary) that is rapidly expanding and there's only room to move up in the company! The market right now is NOT overly flooded with consultants. Again, let me remind you that home-party companies take effort. Don't let anyone tell you different! If you are interested in joining one, compare companies--look at their commissions, what the overhead is that you have to have on-hand, start-up fees, is the company just a fad that will be gone in a few years, what are people really spending their money on these days, how much support you get from your upline and home office, your research! Don't just hop on a company because people say it's fun and easy! What ever company you choose, good luck! I hope you check out Heritage Makers too--it passed all of my questions/doubts with flying colors!
You may also want to consider doing daycare out of your home for a few chilren to help supplement your husband's income! My sister did daycare for a little while and had enough income for their family to have some "play" money.