If you have netflix, there is a CRUNCH video called Super Slim Down that is a Pilates/yoga mix and a SELF workout called Bikini Ready Fast ~ I used them together 2 years ago to lose my last 20 lbs (I walked/biked off the other 200lbs).
Now, I still do the CRUNCH video and I have a membership to CorePowerYoga On Demand.
After my free week of yoga in the studio was up, I couldn't afford the hundreds of dollars for a membership so I went online.
It's $30/3 months (it's more like $15/mo if you pay monthly) and you can use a smartphone, kindle fire, computer whatever works for you. I like using my fire for it, because I can do a 15 minute morning wakeup yoga and just put my fire on the floor between my feet - I don't need to take over the whole family room, and I can use it in a hotel, if we ever go anywhere.