Year End Party

Updated on June 02, 2014
R.S. asks from Cooperstown, NY
9 answers

Hi ,

I need to prepare a goodie bag for year end party at my son school . Can somebody suggest what type of toys are hit among kids aged between 5-12 ( i need to prepare around 40 ( half for boys and half for girls ) . Im thinking about getting the toys from amazon ..

Please advice

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answers from Reading on

Sorry sherry - I hate junky frisbees. We always throw them away the minute they come home. My kids get really frustrated with them and we have some nice, easy to throw and catch kind. Personally, I'd prefer my child come home with a book, bubbles, or a little beach ball. I would not want a whole bunch of trinkety junk. Goodie bags usually tick me off.

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answers from Chicago on

Everyone likes them. No junk to be thrown away

lol just read verucas note. I also hate crappy frizbees but a good one will last for years and if your buying them in bulk would get a better price for them. we love them.

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answers from Rochester on

Outside summer things. Bubbles, sidewalk chalk, jumpropes, bug catchers, bouncy balls. Information about summer reading programs. Don't worry about making different bags for boys and girls. Kids will be kids.


Outside summer things. Bubbles, sidewalk chalk, jumpropes, bug catchers, bouncy balls. Information about summer reading programs. Don't worry about making different bags for boys and girls. Kids will be kids.

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answers from San Francisco on

Buy a bucket and put a summer "bucket list" for kids together (a print out of fun activiities)

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answers from Chattanooga on

I agree with outdoor summer stuff.

You might also go around to places like bowling alleys, jump houses, etc. in the area. Sometimes they are willing to donate special coupons/free passes to schools. I know every year growing up, we got free passes to the bowling alley. :) It never hurts to ask.

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answers from Orlando on

Just a for girls at this age possibly, nail files, nail polish
( neon colors) hair items such as clips/ribbons/braided yarn extensions, combs, colored pony tail bands, bracelets ( cord) note cards ...
boys...marbles, key chains, bug magnifier, magnifying glass, skittles, small compass, ear buds, comb, travel size cologne, deck of cards, or sports cards ( Baseball/Football/.Basketball/ Soccer/Fishing )...
A Party store or Dollar is store is a great place to shop...



answers from Denver on

My 5 year old loves activity books that have mazes, dot to dots and color by #. You could buy a small sand bucket with shovel as the "goodie bag" and put a couple pieces of sidewalk chalk, bubbles and an activity sheet. You could probably do them for around $2-$3 a piece.


answers from Dallas on

I would steer away from trinkets and junk type items.

My #1 choice would be some type of book, art supplies for the summer, sidewalk chalk, coloring books, etc.



answers from New York on

Why such a big age span? That's hard. Can't buy in bulk because a 5 year old and a 12 year old will definitely like the same thing. You have plenty of good ideas from here, but it will have to be tailored to each age group.

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