I got a really bad yeast infection when I was pregnant and the only thing that could help me was Diflucan from the dr.
So last Wednesday, I got that itchy burning feeling and started using Monastat (sp?). I have to say it has only gotten worse. I have an appointment with my OBGYN on Friday, but I know if this keeps up, I can't wait that long. It seems to have gotten worse. I am 4 months pregnant and am wondering if there is anything else that I can try before crying wolf to the doctor. Thanks.
I called the doctor and he ordered me a prescription for the yeast pill. I took that and it didn't help all that much, while also doing Monistat. I have my appointment today and so I can now check up and see if there is something worse going on. Thanks to the one about the ice cube... that helped give relief for awhile. Thanks for all the help everyone.
I got a really bad yeast infection when I was pregnant and the only thing that could help me was Diflucan from the dr.
I've gotten yeast inf. a lot throughout my life and I swear this works better than anything.. even meds!!
If it is really painful get some plain unsweetened yogurt smear it on a pad and put it in your underwear the cold is pretty shocking at first so let it warm up if you want.. but honestly it kinda feels good.
Also get some liquid (just works better) acidophilus. You just take this orally. You can find the pills at walmart, but the stuff from health food stores is usually better. Make sure to get the highest 'culture' count as you can... like in the billons. I swear if you do this you won't even need to go to the doc. but the doc will probably laugh at this!
Hope this helps!
Ask your doc about Beta Strep... about 25% of pregnant women show up with it. Similar symptoms to what you describe, minus the clumpy discharge like a yeast infection would have.
If you have a minor case of it heavy doses of probiotics can snap it back in line. Not just eating yogurt, mind you; you'd need to purchase the capsules -- I think I used the shelf stable kind by Jarrow. If your levels are really crazy high, you'll have to take a round of antibiotics.
It's nothing to stress over, but if you have it you'd need to keep tabs on it throughout your pregnancy as exposure to Beta Strep can harm the baby if the bacteria crosses your membranes into the uterus or if it is exposed to it in the birth canal. Your doc would just give you IV antibiotics just after your labor begins to ensure the levels are in check before baby comes down.
If you're miserable with the itching, run out and get some probiotics even if you don't know you have Beta Strep. Take like triple the dosage several times a day. It can't hurt you, and if you do have Beta Strep it can help kick the symptoms in a day or so.
If Beta Strep turns out to be what you have, let me know if you'd like to talk. I had it with both my kiddos and had completely normal natural childbirth with both. I freaked out at first because it can sound very scary but realized it really is no big deal as long as you and your doc are aware of it and take the necessary precautions before birth. Good luck!
I do this every time the problem comes up. I haven't had to see the doc about a yeast infection in a decade. It works fast--providing relief within minutes....and it's totally free :)
A sitz bath (http://www.howtodothings.com/health-and-fitness/a4540-how...) OR sit on the toilet and using your hand to direct the water, pour HOT water (as hot as you can stand) on the affected area. Don't wipe after, just kinda air dry. Do it a couple times...and again after each time you go potty. and any time it starts to bother you again. Wipe all bowel movements, but if it's just pee...do the hot water.
do this for 3-6 days.
Eat yogurt with live cultures in it to help replace the good bacteria you've killed with the hot water.
you could have BV or any other number of vaginal infections. I got bv during pregnancy, and the antibiotics gave me a yeast infection right after. You need to go to the doc asap. Good luck and feel better! D.
Eat some yogurt -- good kind without additives sugars and has all the active cultures. Or take a supplement that you get from a vitamin store.
You need to see your doctor regarding that itch and burn! Don't worry about crying wolf. To help get relief, try taking a warm bath and put 1 cup of baking soda in it. Many years ago I let an infection get way out of control and I was so miserable. I was told to do this by a nurse to help relieve the horrible discomfort. You can do this several times a day. Don't wait until the infection gets so out of control that you can hardly function. I know from personal experience!
See your doctor as soon as possible. This may be a serious problem, it may not, but it's always better to be safe than sorry in a pregnancy. And you deserve relief from the pain and itching as well!
I definitely recommend seeing your ob/gyn first, they are used to pregnant women worrying about every little thing so you should never be concerned about raising a false alarm!
But I wanted to share that I had what I thought were LOTS of yeast infections while I was pregant, and used Monistat probably 3-4 times and my child is just fine... so don't worry if you do use it! Anyway, it turns out what I had done was switch my laundry detergent!!! It took me MONTHS to realize this could be it- and it was a friend who is a dermatologist who suggested it could be something I bathe with, etc before I stumbled upon it. When you're pregnant your skin is extra sensitive too. As soon as I switched to a gentler detergent I was fine.
We have a product that is natural and usually works w/in the first day to zap the yeast infection completely. It's good for all kinds of different things, but definitely works great for the symptoms you're describing.
You can get it here: http://tinyurl.com/bc3nan
A quick help is to put plain yogurt on the burning area. It cools it & helps nutralize the imbalance.I know, it's messy, but it sure feels good. Maybe put a panty liner on so your undies don't get all wet. It's helped me. I also agree you should ask to see your Dr. sooner. I don't think it's crying wolf at all!
Try Activia yogurt. It has extra acidophalis in it that really helps w/ yeast infections. Try eating 2 a day for several days & see if your sympstoms go away. It has worked for me every time! Good luck w/ the rest of your pregnancy!
Move up your apt and tell her your symptoms, they should be able to get you in right away. The stress its causing isnt good on you or the baby. This could get worse if untreated, and get very painful. I had problems like this during my first pregnancy. BTW, cranberry juice is only a prevention it will not treat this. Any over the counter med will not be as affective as one from the dr. Good Luck.
Believe it or not, an ice cube up there at night before bed. You may have to repeat for a couple of nights. The reason being that yeast likes WARM places and the cold shock is usually enough to bring the numbers down. Most moms say that it is NOT uncomfortable for them, just "different".
My doctor told me that when I was pregnant and got a yeast infection that it was actually really dangerous to the baby. Not trying to scare you but I would definietly try to get into the doctor as soon as possible. Instead of doing Monastat they had me take an oral medication that was baby safe. I would call back especially if its gotten worse and try to get in sooner. Using the Monostat should have helped if it was just a yeast infection so I would let them know what you have tried and that its gotten worse. You don't want to take any chances when it comes to that precious little life inside of you so you don't want the infection to get worse or spread.
Have you heard of Bacterial Vaginosis? It's common in pregnant women and doesn't respond to yeast medication. Actually, it makes it worse b/c BV means there isn't enough healthy bacteria in the vagina. Call your doc and see if they can't get you in sooner...the itching can drive you crazy! Good luck!
You're not crying wolf, you really have something going on. It could be a very stubborn yeast infection, or it could be some other type of infection. I agree with the other post that if you can get in earlier, then do. Good luck!