I did the three day potty training method and it worked in a little over a week ha ha. They start by having you kid say goodby to the diapers so when you get low and/or are ready to give them up completly take a week to say good by let him count how many are left and then say good by to the last one. At the same time rev up being a big boy, no more laying down to get changed or put on clothes, big boy toys are a nice motivator and let him pick out some big boy undies or find some like his daddy has. Set the potty up and let him play with it, sit on it, pretend potty (including celebrations). Then get at least one gender specific book that has real kids not cartoons useing the potty and read it to him every day (sounds silly by my doctor recommended this and for us it mada a huge difference). Then set up a reward system for sitting on the potty, going pee on the potty and going poo on the potty make each treat a little bigger and the celebration grander for each stage. I gave up twice before I was ready to commit to no diapers, and finally my son asked to wear big boy pants so sometimes you just need to keep suggesting until it's his idea. Also let him go on the floor and have him help you clean it up, having my son change his own wet pants a few times and wipe up some messes on the floor made him understand and enforce the big boy idea. Of course kids are all different so this is what worked for us and hope it helps you. Try not to get discouraged as we found out negative reinforcement set us back more than once. Keep it positive and when he is ready it will happen.