at this age it isn't that big of a deal to switch schools, the good thing is at this age all you would have to do is volunteer in their classes a few times & you can help to get them interacting with the other children, I use to go out to recess with my daugther when I would volunteer & it is suprising how many kids want to hang out with a grown up at this age, so I would get them all playing hide & seek or something & talk to the kids & get to know them. They all loved it when "Kaitlyn's mom" was at school and she would be so proud that her mommy was there. I think that if you could schedule a few days to get off work early or go in late so you can be at the school & help her to ineract with new kids within a few weeks no one would even remember that they are "new". Also if you schedule some after school playdates they will be have "best friends" before you know it. To help with the transition you may also want to keep them in touch with their old friends for awhile.