Sunrise Montessori Preschool & Daycare is a preschool - kindergarten, since 1980.
Lic # 310318640
phone 916-722-7772
My daughter has been attending Sunrise Montessori for over a year. I discovered this school after visiting many others in the area. I had an immediate sense of comfort here. My daughter loves school and is thriving. The teachers are all loving, knowlagable, intuitive and approachable. They are always responsive to any concerns or ideas I may have. The owner is also very involved and available ... this is a great school and I highly reccommend it!!
My son has attended Sunrise Montessori School (SMS) for two years, and I am pleased with all aspects of the school. As a mom to a boy, I didn't want him having to sit still and listen to a teacher during his learning time; there is plenty of time for that as he enters higher grades. Children are encouraged to move, explore, and meet the Montessori standards, all while engaged in an age-appropriate, stimulating environment. By learning kinesthetically, my son will be more than ready for kindergarten. Another impressive component in place is the problem-solving technique that SMS uses. Students are encouraged to use the "peace-rose" to resolve conflict with other students rather than tattling, which only frustrates students and teachers. As a parent and a former teacher, I know my son is safe and well nurtured at SMS; furthermore, I appreciate the individualized lesson plans designed for him at his level. I would encourage any parent that is searching for an exceptionally special place for their preschooler to visit SMS!
Our child has attended Sunrise Montessori preschool for three years. We are extremely happy with the quality program and staff who are caring and nurturing. We would highly recommend this school to any and all parents. We feel that our child is well prepared to begin kindergarten.
This is a great Montessori Pre-School!! My son is 3 and has been attending since the summer 2008. Here are some specifics:
1. All of the teachers are certified Montessori teachers
2. It is a true Montessori program with two classrooms full of age appropriate Montessori materials.
3. A variety of options including full days, half days, 5 days/week, 1 day/week, an unlimited amount of flexibility for your needs.
4. There is a summer program, but you do not have to be enrolled to keep your spot.
5. The staff is professional, caring, and outstanding.
Anne provides a well run environment and works well with the kids, parents and her staff to make Sunrise Montessori an unique and special place
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