Autism Spectrum: Child, The First Years

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11 answers

Impulsive/ADHD In 5 Year Old Boy

At my son's 5 year well check we discussed some concerns with our ped regarding behavior. We had been getting reports at preschool that he had a hard time sitting at circle time, would interrupt the teacher and others, etc. At home we see him be very emotional, get upset easily if things don't go his way, has a hard time keeping himself busy. When he is happy things are perfect, when he gets in a mood, it is impossible to deal with. He will get angry, scream, hit, etc. He can verbally tell me what he is and is not supposed to do but just...


Autism and the Army

I was wondering if any mothers out there who are military mommies can tell...

High Functioning

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19 answers

What Are the Best Small Dogs for Kids with High Functioning Autism?

Hello! We have 3 boys, ages 12, 9, and 7. All of them want a dog, but we are especially looking for a dog that would be great for our 9 y/o boy who has high functioning Autism. Can anyone please recommend small dogs that are great for kids with Autism/special needs? The dog would need to be very friendly, love to cuddle, and have a calm temperament. Thanks!