Babyproofing: Munchkin

16 answers

Adopting a Boy - What to Register for an (18 Month Old) Baby Shower

My husband will have the son we've been praying for in two months. Some friends from our church are wanting to throw us a shower - can you give me an idea of the "must-have's" for an 18 month old? I don't have anything for our baby at this point except my collection of Little Golden books! I would so appreciate your thoughts - I don't want to register for things only to learn later that I really didn't need them. Please be specific. I appreciate your help so much!

Safety & Baby Gates

See all 22 articles
24 answers

Best Baby Gates for a Home with a Cat

I was wondering if any of you who are cat owners have found a good way to use baby gates that will allow access to the full run of the house for the cat, but keep the baby contained? I have an almost one year old son and need to put gates at the top and bottom of the stairs, and in front of the food/litter box area. My cat is old and not very agile, so I don't think he could jump over a standard baby gate...and I would feel awful keeping him contained in a small area of the house. However, my son's safety is paramount. I looked into the...