Birthdays: Preschooler, Munchkin

10 answers

What Ideas for an Under Ten Birthday Party

I have a friend who just moved to the Triangle who has three children under ten years old who has moved here from England and she wants to know what kind of birthday parties she can have in the area. How much should she plan to spend on a themed party and what the children here expect when they go to a party. Are home parties better than parties in places that cater to children? What do the parents prefer? Any suggestions? Any good tips?

Birthday Party Preparation

See all 21 articles
30 answers

Opening Presents at Birthday Parties?

I was wondering if it is customary to not open presents at birthday parties? We went to a birthday party for my son's friend (both are three years old) and they did not open gifts. The party was held at McDonalds. I thought it was a little strange at first, but afterwards I realized there was a lot of wisdom in that. It seems it would be difficult to hold the kids' attention... since it doesn't seem like three year olds are necessarily interested in watching present opening and would rather play on the playground. Plus, it'd be messy...