Bowel Movements: Carters

See all 31 articles
27 answers

Mylicon Drops for Infants

I am considering trying these Mylicon drops for my 3 week old DS. I was wondering if anyone else had used them and to what success. It says on the package that it will help with the spitting up. I am nursing him and he seems to spit up more than he should. I have tried burping him more, limiting how long he feeds on each side, sitting him up after he feeds, watching what I am eating to see if there is a food that triggers it......nothing is working. He seems to be thriving as he can go 2-3 hrs between feeds. He is peeing well and...


64 answers

8 Mo Old Will Not Drink Juice

I need some help. My 8mo old boy will not drink water or juice. His doctors nurse is making me feel like a horrible mother, because i can"t get him to drink juice. He has not had a bowel movement in 7 days and the nurse insist he has to drink juice due to the sugar. I need some suggestions on how to get him to drink juice or other suggestions on how to regulate him for the future. (We have an appointment today to talk to the doctor)


What Do I Need??

Hi all, I'm a first time mom to be, expecting a baby boy in 5 weeks and...