Brushing & Flossing: Toddler, Nuby

Results 1-10 from 55 articles

Need Help with 20 Month Old Daughter Sleeping.

E.T. asks from Lexington

My 20 month old daughter still does not sleep through the night. She go's to bed between 9:30-10:00pm and wakes up every morning between 2:00-3:00am asking for some m...


17 Month Old - Still Gets Bed Time Bottle

M.B. asks from Tucson

My daughter still takes a 6-8 oz bottle of milk at bedtime. This is the only time she gets a bottle. If we give her less milk, she tends to wake at night wanting to...


20 Month Old Still Drinking a Bottle (Milk) to Sleep

S.P. asks from Denver

So I know I'm waaay overdue for weaning my 20 month old off of a bottle (milk only), but I'm ready to make a real effort now. She only drinks it when going to sleep, ...


My 14 Month Old Will Not Sleep Without a Bottle!

A.A. asks from Los Angeles

I was just wondering has anyone gone through this I mean during the day I give him a sippy cup that he drinks water and juice and only water and juice but when it com...


I Have a Teething 10 Month Old!

S.J. asks from Dover

I have a teething 10 month old she doesnt have any teeth yet is this normal??? What can i do to ease her discomfort! She doesnt eat much anymore and has disturbed sle...


5 Month Old Who Is Teething

A.J. asks from Houston

I have a five month old who is teething. Any advice on what would be the best thing to help sooth his gums. I really don't like giving him any medicine. I started ...


Help! My 19 Month Old Still Takes a Bottle at Nap Time....

B.D. asks from Dallas

My 19 month old still takes a bottle at nap time. I have tried to give him a sippie cup but he refuses. My husband does not have this problem & our son takes a sippie...


Getting My 1 Year off the Bottle

L.P. asks from Dallas

My son just turned 1 last week. I would like to start weening him off the bottle as much as possilbe. For the last three days he hasn't had a bottle until night time....


My 6 Month Old Won't Drink Water or Juice.

K.G. asks from Harrisburg

I'm trying to get my son used to drinking out of a sippy cup and drinking juice and water. (I've read its best to take the bottle away by 1 yr.) I've tried to give hi...


7 Month Old Won't Take Sippy Cup or Bottle

S.G. asks from Colorado Springs

My son has been rejecting the bottle since he was 3 months old. Now that he is 7 months and eating more solid foods I read that he should also be drinking water. Howe...