My son is almost 3 and still sleeps in his crib. He loves it, never tries to climb out and has not asked us about a big boy bed. I'm thrilled and prefer to keep him...
My daughter only sleeps 2 hours at a time,at night time. l was sleeping with her and have just moved her to her crib in the last 3 nights and its a nightmare. She has...
I have a 10 week old babygirl who just refuses to sleep on her back or side. When she was a tiny newborn she did okay but as she started getting a little bigger I sta...
First of all we do not have a crib. I made the mistake of allowing myself to become a pacifier. The problem: she sleeps in bed with us--that is a long never intended ...
My 17mo. daughter went for a sleep over at my mother in laws house on fri eve & came home covered with flea bites! I am concerned about the bites because there are so...
Our baby was born 10 weeks premature. His corrected age is 2.5 months. He came home from the hospital 4 weeks before his due date, so he has been home with us for abo...
Two struggles: 1)I have three children, 5 1/2, 28 months & 10 months. My 28 month is in a toddler bed b/c he would climb out of a crib & pack-n-play. He continues to ...
My 7 month old will not sleep through the night. He was doing great with waking only once and now he is waking every 3-4 hours. It is getting really old and he hasn't...
Hi all-
My baby girl is 9 days old. She wakes crying about every 2 hours at night to feed. She feeds for about 25 minutes- I change her diaper and reswaddle her- the...
I'm leaving for Indiana tomorrow with my daughter Nattalie who is 10.5 months old and my biggest concern is when we get to the hotel tomorrow night to sleep she won't...