Cold & Flu: First Response

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51 answers

Flu Shots?? Do We Do Them on Our Children or Not?

I would love to hear opinions on flu shots and kids. I am vehemently opposed to doing it to myself due to such severe illnesses on the years I did get the shot. My husband says no because he doesn't trust them either. Our doctors want all our kids to have them. What do we do? I feel like I loose either way in this if they get a severe case of the flu. As for my kids, they are all healthy, active, and they do get the flu each year, just manageable cases of it. But these new flu strains are quite scary. Any input would be great!


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16 answers

Cold or Allergies????

My 3 year old daughter has had about 3-4 colds this summer. Since she was born she has been quite healthy, only getting colds in the fall/early winter and then remaining healthy the rest of the year. She never has a fever. It's really usually just a runny nose and maybe a little cough. Do you think it's common to have so many colds in the summer? Or, does it sound like allergies?


A Simple Head Cold

My daughter Sophia who is a little over a month old has a head cold and her...

Flu Shot

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31 answers

Light Reading on Pregnancy Test!!

Hello Ladies, I recently took a Pregnancy test...I am late on my period and I ended up getting sick with a cold or something like that. I mean I had a sore Throat, fever...all that good stuff. So i decided to take a test to be on the safe side before I took some medicine. Well the Test i took was First Response...well I took it at night and I saw that it had a very light line showing positive. So I took another one in the morning and it was a tad bit darker then the first one. This all happen on I have been sick with...


The Flu Shot?

Is the flu shot definitely a dead virus that they give you? I know I...