Constipation: Infant, Born free

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41 answers

Constipated 11-Month Old (Sorry to Ask, but Need Suggestions :)

Hi there, Our little bundle of joy started on solid foods when she was 6 months old, but rejected all food except breast milk after a month or two, and only ate breast milk until fairly recently. I'm thrilled that she's eating now, but she has become increasingly more constipated since she started eating solid foods. I stopped her iron supplement and stopped feeding her carrots and bananas, which I read could cause constipation. She's eating lots of split peas and fruit, including plums and pear (all fresh, not jarred), which I read could...


Infant with Reflux

I have a almost 5 month old baby boy with reflux. He was born 13 weeks early...

Karo Syrup

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55 answers

Questioning Doctor's Recommendations for Infant

I am having serious concerns over my 5 week old nephew's doctor. At 2 wks. his mother was told to put sugar in his formula to help relieve constipation. Last week, we were told he wasn't growing fast enough and he was to be fed 2 oz. evry 2hrs. (he was eating 4oz. every 4hrs. and is gaining weight). Today, I was told that he is to have cereal added to his bottle because he is spitting up! These recommendations have had me concerned, but the last is sending up major red flags! If this were my child, I know I would be looking for a new...