Feeding Accessories: BOB

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14 answers

Non-stop Nursing Then Not Interested Once He's There - Help!

I'm a first-time mom who has been breastfeeding my beautiful new son for the last three weeks. Lately, he seems like he wants to nurse non-stop but then doesn't seem interested when he's actually on the breast, so I take him off and then he fusses and wants to go back on. Some nursing sessions have lasted more than 90 minutes! He will nurse for a while and then just suck and screw around, so I will take him off only to put him back on in a few minutes when he starts crying and rooting. I go back and forth between breasts and never know...


Squirmy 8 Month Old

I am concerned because my 8 month old is shaking his head back and forth...

Booster Seat

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11 answers

Cribs, Car Seats, Bob Revolution, Nordic Cab? Ugggg.

Anyone have a car seat, baby jogger, stroller, crib, glass baby bottles, co-sleeper....any product for a new baby.... that they love? I am overwhelmed by the choices. We are looking for excellent quality and as non toxic, as possible. I understand many of the paints, glues are not good for the baby! Organic is great! I was looking at the Bob Revolution baby jogger, and some kind of car seat that would fit into that for the first several months of use. Also, Nordic Cab's Sport Combo jogger. LL Bean shows both. Thanks so much!


Big Boy Car Seat

I am starting my search on purchasing the front facing car seat for my 9...