Foot & Toe: Seventh Generation

Results 21-30 from 61 articles

Severe Persistent Diaper Rash

M.N. asks from Philadelphia

Hello everybody, and thanks for reading in advance! My three year old is still in diapers, and she's had this diaper rash on and off for a little while, and now it's ...


Bleeding Diaper Rash

S.F. asks from Chicago

Any suggestions on how to cure a diaper rash? My twin boys have had an on and off again rash for the past 3 months. I have contacted my doctor and he finally prescrib...


Teen Age Girls and Cramps - Is This Normal/common?

H.G. asks from Lancaster

I'll try to keep it short. My now 15 year old DD had been getting her period every 21 days and was in a lot of pain with cramps before, during and sometimes after he...


Little Bumbs All Over...

M.H. asks from Chicago

My son has recently developed these little bumps all over his body. At first it just started out on his arm and a little on his leg. I took him to the dr. and he th...


Bleeding Diaper Rash

C.B. asks from Minneapolis

As I was changing my son (7 months old) tonight right before bedtime, I noticed that all of a sudden he has a major diaper rash. So bad, in fact, that it was even ra...


Yeast Infection Not Healing

E.M. asks from Norfolk

Has anyone dealt with a yeast infection on a baby boy? My almost 5 month old got one almost 3 weeks ago and it is just not clearing up. We used the prescribed medic...


Sensitivity to Disposable Diapers

L.A. asks from Detroit

My 9month old is suffering at every diaper change and in between and I don’t know how to help her. I’ve taken her to the pediatrician who at first diag. yeast and...


My Toddler Is Itchy - What to Use

J.M. asks from Norfolk

My almost 3 year old daughter keeps saying she is itchy all over but I don't see anything. I tried monistat down there and bug creme other places, I have tried lotio...


Rash, Rash, Rash!!!!!

K.R. asks from Los Angeles

Where do I begin? I took Bella into the pediatrician's office for what I thought was sever diaper rash. Her doctor sent me home with medication for a yeast infectio...



B.P. asks from Chicago

I'm looking to make my own baby wipes. My baby is 2 weeks old and his bottom is already irritated from commercial wipes. Does anyone have a good recipe?