For Girls: Child, Puppets

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8 answers

Seeking Craft Ideas for Little Mermaid Theme Birthday Party

My daughter will be turning three in February loves the Little Mermaid, so that is going to be the theme of the party. Since the weather in February is so unpredictable I'm planning on setting up craft tables in our garage to keep the kids busy. There will be a wide range of ages from 10-babies, so I need a range of crafts. I'm planning on having one of the walls covered in blue paper, so they can help create an under the sea mural. I will have all sorts of sea animals for them to decorate and tape to the mural. I also saw a cute idea to...


38 answers

Gift Ideas for a 5 Year Old Girl

We are going to a birthday party next week and I have no idea what to get the birthday girl. She will be turning 5. Do any of you have any good gift ideas? My daughter is only 15 months old I don't know "old kid" stuff yet :-) Thanks!