The four antibiotics my 1 year old son has taken back-to-back for his double ear infections have not made them go away. The Augmentin helped some and the latest one, ...
My daughter is 9 months and she is still not sleeping through the night. There have been periodic nights where she slept for 7 hours at a time but its NEVER been con...
My daughter has had 4 ear infections in 4 months this year. She has had maybe one or 2 each year prior, never cronic like this. Her Ped sent us to a ENT and they ...
My son turned a year on March 21st so we started introducing whole milk - slowly - one oz a time. We were up to 5oz whole milk and 3 oz formula on Saturday. On Sunday...
My 4 1/2 month old has a strawberry hemangioma on her hairline in the center of her forehead. It doesn't bother her, but it bother me so much. It is red and very ra...
My 6 mo. old daughter has been congested to some degree since birth. It is mainly in her throat/chest, NOT her nose/sinuses. Initially I related it to her acid refl...
How long did you nurse? Did you plan on nursing as long as you did? Did you ever try to wean with no luck? How did you finally wean? Were your dr's for or against...
I am the single mom of a 2 1/2 year old. I do have a fiancee but he is not a real supporter when it comes to emotional issues and does not believe in anti-depressant...
My 3year old daughter has Eczema on the top of her hands. Some days are worse than others. Right now I'm using regular fragrance free hand creams. I'm afr...