Job Hunting: Child

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46 answers

Thinking of Getting a Pet for My 5 Year-old Son.............

I'm trying to decide on what pet, if any, to get for my 5 year-old son. He wants a pet really badly. I don't think that I'm ready for the committment and work that come along with a puppy right now. One of my main issues with one is the chewing on everything and the potty training. I know that my son would really love to have one, though. I really don't like cats at all, so that's not an option. I am thinking more along the lines of a guinea pig. Does anyone have one of these? Does anyone have any suggestions for good pet choices for a 5...

Earning Extra Cash

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23 answers

6 Year Old Asking for Money

Hello Moms, I am not sure if this has happened to any one of you. So my son started kindergarten this year and they have treat sale once every week and have vending machine in school. Everyday my son ask for a $1 to buy something. I told him I can not give you everyday but some days are ok (am I being unreasonable?). It is not that I can't afford to give him every day $1 but I want him to understand you can't get it everyday. He says he buys icecream with it. I told him we have so much ice cream at home or I will take him out to eat ice...

Multi-level Marketing

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Working at home

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10 answers

Working at Home?

So i went into the unemployment office to get websites to apply for jobs and almost all websites i went to had "work from home" jobs available. Working at home or from home would be interesting, i can be with my baby and earn some cash at the same time right? but are these jobs for real? Is there such a thing as working from home and actually getting paid for it. I find it a bit phony. I will be calling the unemployment office to see if that really is true. Have any of you worked at home like that, ever?


Working from Home!

Hello, I am a soon to be single mommy. And I really want to be with my baby...

Working Part-time

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13 answers

Need a Part-time Job

I'm a stay home mom of 28 months twin boy and girl. I have a loving and supportive husband, and right now, I'm feeling really stressed and bored from being in the house and I also fell that would be good for the kids to spend some time in a different environment and of course, we need some extra income. So, a part-time job would be a good way to start. I was thinking about trying the libraries in town, so I was wondering if anyone out there knows how I can get the basic training to have a chance of getting a job as a library assistant or...