Milestones: Simmons

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5 answers

Seeking Single Mom's Group in Laurel Area.

My 3.5 year old daughter will not sleep in her room at all, she never has, she has always slept in my bed because her dad felt she was too little to sleep by herself and it is driving me crazy because I want my bed to myself. She has her own room right next to mines.


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14 answers

House Cleaning Help

Does anyone know a good house cleaning company or person in the Richardson area? I've tried two different services and they are terrible. Unless I'm home to watch them (which defeats the purpose of hiring someone), they do a really poor job.


What Do to About Job

I have been back to work full-time now for about 1 1/2 years and I really...


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13 answers

Looking to Buy a New Mattress.

Our current mattress is 10 years old and needs to go! I have looked into the sleep number bed but a I am also considering the Simmons Beauty rest ( a traditional spring). Any advice would be appreciated as I am overwhelmed by the choices and feel pressured by sales associates. I am looking for a queen size that can withstand the jumping of my three year old. I also don't want to wake up every time my husband turns over during the night.