Patterns & Habits: Toddler, Angel Care

46 answers

I Don't Care About Sleeping Through the Night... Just Go to Sleep 1St Please!

My 7 week old baby only likes to go to sleep on me. I'm so afraid that I am building a bad habit. I can put him in his crib once he is asleep. But, he has to really be asleep. There have been a few occasions where I have been able to put him in his bed as he was drifting off to sleep. At first I was very opposed to the cry it out techniques. Then, I decided to try it out of desparation. I don't want to co-sleep with my baby. I don't think that the cry it out technique is going to work for us because he will cry for over an hour. I...


Crib Vs. Bassinet

We are buying items for our first child who is on the way soon :). I am...

Sleep Problems

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22 answers

4 Month Old Flipping over While Sleeping

My 4 month old daughter has been sleeping through the night sine she was 2 months old--we are lucky! This weekend we were going to transition her from her bassinette to her crib. However, the past three nights she has flipped herself onto her stomach and slept in that position. I was a bit freaked out about the stomach sleeping, but she seems to like it. The bigger problem is she doesn't yet know how to flip from her stomach to her back so whenever she wants to change positions she fusses till I fet up and flip her back. The past 3...