Our grandson just turned 7 and I am wondering what restrictions other mom's and grandmas put on children for use of these items. Our grandson seems to be unresponsiv...
Well my daughter was born on Christmas day and so she gets loaded with presents. She is just turning 3 this Christmas. Problem is as someone mentioned earlier she has...
I work from home and lately have had a huge amount of work, and it looks like it will be that way for a while. My son goes to preschool twice a week for 2.5 hours, bu...
Hi Mamas, Just wondering if anyone has any gift ideas for me, maybe something your child loves? My daughter is turning 4 in November, and then there will be more gift...
Hi moms! My daughter will be 3 at the end of the month and I am considering getting her an electronic learning system for her bday. I am totally not up to snuff wit...
I have a 3-yr-old son and 7-mo-old daughter. We try hard to limit screen time (DVD's, iPhone, iPad, computer) in our house, but my son will often whine about "needing...
Hi Moms out there. I really need your help right now. My daughter will be turning 3 next month and I have no idea what to get her. She is not your ordinary child. I h...
HI! I am a mom of a 6 year old who is reading great for being in first grade, but my 2 year old who looks up to her brother and wants to do what he is doing all the t...