Pregnancy: Infant, Kolcraft

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8 answers

Double Sit -N- Stand Stroller Vs. Kolcraft Contours Options Tandem plus Stroller

I've heard good things about the Double sit and stand stroller (it is a double stroller that can be turned into a sit and stand if needed) and can't decide if that one is better than the Double Kolcraft Contours Options Plus stroller. This stroller will be for my kids who will be 15 months apart. For now, I'm planning on just wearing one and putting he other in the single stroller we already have. But eventually I do need to get a double stroller. My 15 month old loves walking and although he likes the stroller now, I've heard that toddlers...

Baby Shower

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7 answers

Looking to Sell Gently Used Baby Stuff

I am looking to sell a bunch of baby equipment I am no longer using. Included are Fisher Price Aquraium cradle swing $50.00 Take along Aquarium swing $25.00 Fisher Price Papason vibrating chair $25.00 Fisher Price Deluxe Jumperoo $40.00 Kolcraft walker with musical activity tray $20.00 Fisher Price activity playwall (only used once) $30.00 Graco bassinet plays music vibrates and has mobil $25.00 In addition I have a ton of clothes and various toys available. Everything is in mint condition! Most still have original boxes! Can...


Car Seat Delima!

Hi mamas, my husband and I are struggling with what kind of car seat to get,...