Self Feeding: Myself, Ameda

Results 41-50 from 255 articles

Breastfeeding Advice

T.R. asks from Phoenix

OK, my baby is home from the NICU and has basically been bottle fed most of the time. Although I need to still do some bottle feeding, to keep up the extra calories,...


Seeking Support from Breastfeeding Mothers with Slow Weight Gain Babies

T.B. asks from Miami

*** If you are not breast feeding, or do not support breast feeding, or do not have experience with a baby who gains weight slow, please do not respond. I'm looking ...


Extremely SORE Nipples Due to Pumping...

D.S. asks from San Francisco

Has any other mother experience really sore nipples while pumping only??? I use to specifically breast feed my son, however due to latch on issues and being extremely...


Breastfeeding vs Formula

K.C. asks from Pittsburgh

I am having trouble with breastfeeding and could use some support. I had trouble in the beginning, but finally found a nipple shield and my baby boy breastfed like a ...


Should I Buy a Breast Pump?

E.B. asks from Kansas City

My five month old son normally breastfeeds well but lately I have been supplementing him with formula bottles when I visit my parents. I have been over there several...


Would You Buy a Used Pump? and a Breastfeeding Question?

M.!. asks from Columbus

I am going to be having my 3rd child. I did not breastfeed my first two, but would like to try with this baby. Since I do not know how well breastfeeding would go I...


Breast Pump

N.M. asks from Omaha

My husband and I just went and registered at BabiesRus and I was wondering if I should register for a breast pump right away and hope that breast feeding works for me...


Pumping Breast Milk into Bottles. Need Advice!

J.B. asks from San Francisco

I have been PUMPING breast milk into BOTTLES for my son who is 1 week old today. I decided to do this instead of directly breast feeding him because he sucks very har...


Breastmilk vs Formula: Finances?

M.A. asks from Lubbock

Ok mama's. I'm 36 weeks pregnant with my first baby, and I still can't decide whether or not I want to breastfeed. I'd always said that I would strictly be a formul...


Breast Pump Recommendations

S.S. asks from San Francisco

Hi, I am due to give birth in 2 months with my first baby. I am planning to breast feed and would like some advice on breast pumps, which brands work best etc. Any a...