Sleep Problems: Toddler, Saline Drops

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38 answers

Cold Medicine for 16 Month Old

Hi Moms! I need some personal advice on giving a 16 month old cold medicine. My daughter is very congestion and coughing like crazy. She kept us up all night last night becasue she was coughing and crying. We eventually brought her to bed with us and she still cried all night because she feels so terrible. To make matters worse, she coughs so hard that she keeps puking up her food, all over herself and whoever is feeding her. I want to give her some relief and have tried saline drops, suctioning with the battery operated suction,...

Sleep Schedule Changes

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35 answers

Should I Change My Pediatrician?

Should I change my pediatrician? We've been seeing the same doctor on a referral since my son was born 5 months ago. I had never met her until we were in the hospital and she was making her rounds. There are a couple of things I'm concerned about. First, she rushes through the visit and, though I'm sure she would answer any questions I have, she doesn't seem to want to spend the time. The second thing is that my son had what I considered serious congestion this past fall. I took him to the doctor and she suggested trying sailene...


10 Month Old Sick

My ten month old daughter has a cough, runny nose and very low grade fever...

Sleep Training

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35 answers

Best Medicine for 6 Month Old

My 6 month old has a runny nose and a cough for the third time this year. The first and second time I took her to the pediatrician she told me to give her saline drops and let it run its course. A lot of old school moms are saying no, give her Benadryl or Castor oil. What is best?