Sleeping Habits: Infant, Enfamil

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13 answers

Enfamil Next Step Formula

My daughter just turned 9 months old today. She has been on Enfamil's AR Lipil formula since she was 4 months. I was recommended this formula by her pediatrician because she had acid reflux and spit up ALOT. Anyways, I feel that her acid reflux is gone and I noticed the last time I was at the grocery store that Enfamil has a formula called Next Step for ages 9-12 months. Has anyone tried this formula? Should I switch?

Baby Monitors

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31 answers

Similac Vs. Enfamil

Hello Mommies! I have a newborn, only 13 days old. We've figured out she has a milk intolerance so we started giving her Similac Alimentum formula about a week ago. Since, she has gotten better but now, about 20 mins after she eats, she goes through a rough period where she obviously uncomfortable, inconsolable crying, squirming, grunting, etc. I have heard that Similac products are harder on their systems than Enfamil products. I want to switch her to Enfamil Nutramagen but I'm waiting for the doctor to call me back. By the way, the...


Which Video Monitor?

I would like to buy a video monitor for my son's room. Which one do you have...

Furniture & Bedding

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64 answers

How to Get Rid of GAS in an Infant

Does anyone have an ideas how to get rid of GAS? My daughter is only 1 month old, and has gas so bad, that she cries after she eats. I've tried rubbing her stomach, mylicon drops, warm compresses on her stomach, warm baths and laying her on my stomach. I don't lay her down after she eats for 30 mins, then I lay her down, but she cries from the gas. She is bottle feed with breast milk and formula. I have tried to just breast feed, but she wont latch on.. I'm open to any suggestion to get rid of the gas. Thank you for all your help, it's...

Pacifiers & Thumbsucking

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11 answers

Similac vs Enfamil

Hi Ladies, I have a question about the formula. Which one do you prefer similac vs enfamil. My friend told me that all her kids were getting sick when they were on similac. When she switched to enfamil her kids got much better. What do you thing?


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12 answers

Allergic to Enfamil?

My 3 month old has had feeding issues since he was a month old. He gets a stomach ache/cramps/gas and has bad reflux and nothing helped. Suspected milk allergy, switched to Enfamil Nutramigen but didn't seem to get much better. Tried Similac Alimentum and saw a huge improvement after a week. But if we give him the Enfamil, all his symptoms come back. Belly ache, cramping, gas, reflux gets worse and he chokes/aspirates and spits up all day. He is super fussy and cranky. He fights sleep during the day and wakes up more through the night. He...


Similac Vs. Enfamil

Hello Mommies! I have a newborn, only 13 days old. We've figured out she...

Soothing & Comforting

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18 answers

Enfamil Gentlease vs Good Start

Has anyone had issues with Gentlease? My daughter is 6 weeks old and we switched her to it because the Enfamil lipil kept making her constipated. Now her stools are runny and she has bad gas. I am beginning to think it is Enfamil that is the problem. The other issue is that the formula is so runny. It doesn't seem to have much thickness to it and doesn't seem to sustain her very long. I have heard really good things about Nestle Good Start. Has anyone had experience with this?