Travel Systems & Convertible Car Seats: Infant, Snugli

Results 1-10 from 30 articles

Car Seat for Airplane Travel

L.P. asks from Chicago

My daughter is 11 months old and we are looking for another convertible car seat for my husbands car (we have a Cosco Alpha Omega Elite as our primary for my car), bu...


Carseat for Airplane/travel

S.B. asks from Minneapolis

Does anyone have suggestions for a good 'travel' car seat for a 7 month old? Our little girl recently outgrew her infant car seat, and I'll be traveling alone with h...


Camping with an Infant.

H.J. asks from San Francisco

DH and I have friends who love camping. They have invited us to go on some trips with them. We just cannot agree on what to do with our 4 month old daughter. My idea ...


Airplane Travel with a Baby

J.H. asks from Missoula

My baby and I are going to be taking a trip to visit the grandparents in a couple of months. I was wondering if anyone had advice on airplane traveling, such as wher...


Double Stroller or Sit and Stand???

D.P. asks from Philadelphia

I am expecting my second baby in April and am starting to look at strollers. The baby will be born a few months before my son turns 3. I am torn between a regular dou...


What Should I Take with Me on My Vacation to Florida for My Baby?

R.W. asks from Tulsa

I'm taking a one week trip with my best friend to Florida to visit her dad's next month. I'm taking my 6 month old daughter with me on the plane. I was just wondering...


Finding a Good Double Stroller

J.J. asks from Louisville

I am pregnant and am looking for a good double stroller. My son will be 4 months away from turing 4 when the baby is born. He is very active but a very good little b...


Take Stroller or Sling to Airport?

C.H. asks from Dallas

I will be taking my 5 mo. on a plane for the first time and we are going to the carribean. I was trying to decide if i should take a stroller or maybe a light weight ...


The Great Stroller Debate

M.C. asks from Austin

We are having our second boy in a couple of months and I have been pouring over reviews and blogs trying to decide what to do with my upcoming stroller situation. Sh...


Seeking Tips on Overseas Plane Travel with a 1 Year Old

D.C. asks from Boston

In a few months I'm meeting my husband overseas- and therefore going to be flying solo with my one year old to get there. He's going to be in my lap for about 8 hour...