My 11-year-old grandson needs braces. His front teeth are tilting backward. We were waiting for him to lose all his baby teeth. Yesterday the dentist quoted us a cost...
Any of you mommas have young kiddos in braces? I'm wondering cause they want to start my 7 year old with a palatial expander and braces within the next 6 months. Wh...
Hello Everyone,
This is my first time on this site. My daughter is 11 and will be getting her braces this coming week and I wondered if anyone can tell me a little...
My son will be 8 in March. The orthodontist wants to put a palate expander in now and is already talking braces around 11/12 years old. I'm not sure how they can tell...
When I was growing up my parents took us to a dentist that didn't believe in braces for r crooked teeth. He fit us with retainers that we had tightened every other w...
I'm getting my braces off next month and have to decide on a retainer. Most patients at my orthodontist's office get a permanent retainer on the bottom. I cou...
My son's dentist says he needs braces as his teeth are way too crowded not allowing new ones to grow in. The orthodontist says it's not medically necessary so insura...
Ok so I went to my orthodontic consult, and now I'm wondering if what they charge is average, their price was right under $7,000 without insurance. How did you like t...
hello moms,
I was wondering if there is a standard time frame for braces or it depends on the individual situation? I am asking because my daughter and my friends d...
Has anyone had a child who had to wear leg braces due to tip toe walking? My 6 yr old son has walked on his tip toes all of his life. My old pediatrician said he wo...