I would love to purchase a replica handbag since I can not afford a real one. Does anyone on here sell them in their store, have a nice not replica they would be wil...
I am pseudo Aunt. She asked me to go Christmas shopping with her to seek a gift for her mom..
Dang! She is looking at real designer handbags at about $3oo a pop! ...
I've got a complicated situation.
My daughter's nanny has been with us for almost 2 years, and has been great. We really like her, as does my daughter.
She's ha...
Hello ladies,
I need your help in finding a good, inexpensive handbag. The purse I carry now is too small, doesn't have enough compartments and has a few holes in ...
Ok, this is a light topic. Are you the type of person or have you done things that are like penny wise but pound foolish. e.g. You would spend hours cutting grocery c...
First off, saying High End Outlets, seems really wrong. Next, this post isnt going to be what you think. As usual my posts kinda do this.
I have this Frenemy, tha...
I have the rose gold Michael Kor's purse/bag that I have had for a couple of years now went to pick stuff up out of my closet floor it being one of the items and noti...
This may be a silly question but I would like a trendy functional diaperbag. I have checked Target/Walmart/BabiesRUs etc...(cheap not what I'm looking for) looking fo...
Hi mamas, I have a brand new burberry handbag that my aunt and uncle bought me a couple of years ago. I'm not really into the style of the bag and I've never used it...