furniture dining table

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Pls Share Experiences (Good, Bad, Dos, Donts) of Handling an Over-active Toddler

M.R. asks from Chicago

My daughter is turning into a crawling machine, and she moves real fast (she's 10 months old). She wants to poke and prod everything and anything, she wants to tug at...


Was Yours a High Energy Baby? How Was He/she Received?

F.B. asks from New York

Mamas & Papas- Our DS now 2.5 was and remains a high energy, on the go baby. He could hold his head up and roll over independently at 2 weeks old, he graced us wi...


My 4 Year Old NEVER Cleans up Anything! Advice?

R.R. asks from Dallas

I'll make this as short and sweet as I can. I know that there are many moms out there that can relate. I need some good advice. My 4.5 year old son is such a great ki...


Kids Sneaking Out in the Morning - Need Punishment and Prevention Ideas

M.R. asks from Seattle

ok so... its happened a few times now. i wake up and have a text message from my neighbor/friend - /your kids are here/. (my girls are 3 and 4) the first few times i...


How Many Times a Day Do You Vacuum?

J.S. asks from Minneapolis

OF COURSE I AM JOKING! :) But, on a serious note... I feel like I COULD vacuum more than once a day... I probably do vacuum something everyday... At least I do th...


Jack Russell Acting Out on Toddler

A.G. asks from Huntington

My sweet Jack Russell Terrier is 3 and has always been so loving of our son (12 months) and has never been bad with him until he started cruising. Lately if she even ...


Who to Invite to 8-Yr-old Birthday Party

N.W. asks from Chicago

My stepdaughter has decided she wants a Princess Birthday party :) To save money (as money is tight) we decided to have it at our condo since all her friends live by ...


Permanent Marker on White Kitchen Floor

A.M. asks from Providence

Hi again everyone, I have another problem I need help with. My 2.5 year old decided to be Picasso and draw with permanent marker on my white kitchen floor under the k...


My Apartment Needs Some Style.

S.L. asks from Madison

Hi ladies, I have been noticing lately that I stink at interior design. I have no clue how to make my rooms look "cooler" and more fashionable. I love photography an...


How to Get a Filthy House Clean

J.C. asks from Tuscaloosa

I am embarassed to post this but something has to be done. I have battled severe depression since coming down with post partum depression in 2002 and am in the recove...

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