Positive Parenting

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Help Me Put off My Housework by Answering a Philosophical Parenting Question ;-)

E.D. asks from Seattle

Good Evening! So here's the question: How much control do we as parents have over our children and our child's future. Do you think that by raising them in a p...


Need Help with 3 Year Old Boy - Want to Use Positive Discipline but Not Sure How

S.K. asks from Seattle

My son turned three in April and is generally a sweet boy. He's in a daycare environment three days a week and actually does very well. They are very big on peacefu...


Discipline Tactics - Positive or Negative

L.A. asks from Minneapolis

When you need to discipline your kids, are disciplines like timeout, take-away or even spanking the methods you use? Why or why not? How do you teach children ...


Baby Signing: Is Teaching Your Child Sign Smart Parenting

E.L. asks from Los Angeles

In my last question I asked how you all felt about baby signing and if you felt it was beneficial. Signing is my passion as I feel it is a great communication tool f...


Co-Workers Bash Children, Parenting, Pregnancy, Etc...

J.P. asks from Denver

I have been in my current position for 1 1/2 years and ever since I joined this team, my co-workers continually make negative comments about children, parenting, preg...


Niece Trouble - Respecting Sis's Parenting vs Offering Help

J.S. asks from Columbia

My niece, 14, has been having a running conflict with her mom, my sister. Niece tells me that she wants to live with her dad, and that mom threatened to send her to ...


Seeking Advice on Parenting a Busy Toddler or Books to Help

C.W. asks from Austin

Hello all. I check this site almost daily and love to read about what all the other moms are going through--it helps keep me sane at times. I've got a beautiful 22 ...


Parenting Neighbor's Daughter

H.G. asks from Portland

It seems like I am parenting my neighbors' daughter, she is over at my house a lot. I have an only child & I am glad to help out but, I end up feeling used a lot of t...


Blended Families - Step Parenting

K.B. asks from Seattle

How do you keep negative influence from childrens bio-parent effecting you and family? Books and therapy have told me that as a stepparent I shouldn't expect to rece...


Foster Parenting and Adoption

S.S. asks from Canton

My husband and I have been trying to concieve our 2nd child for 4 years now without any success. We have also tried some infertility treatments without success so now...

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