16 Month Old Waking up at 6 - Sherman Oaks,CA

Updated on May 04, 2010
J.B. asks from Sherman Oaks, CA
12 answers

Hello mommies, I was just curious as to what time your 16 month olds wake up? of late my sons sleeping has changed. He was sleeping from 7p-8a, he takes one nap a day and that is from 10-11:30. Now he has decided that he is going to wake up at 5:30. And still only take the one nap. I am so exhausted from waking up so early. I don't get to bed till around midnight. After I put him down I clean, do laundry, return phone calls, e-mails etc. So my question is how do I get him to at least sleep till 7? 5:30 is just to early. Thank you

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So What Happened?

Thanks for all the wonderful advice. I've adjusted his nap schedule and bed time has stayed the same. And I have decided to let things go and i will nap when he naps and save my cleaning for the weekends! I've also been going to bed at 11 so i am able to get up with him. hopefully its a phase that'll pass. Again, thank you so much!

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answers from Honolulu on

its a phase. This happens sometimes in kids.
Just keep to a routine for naps/bedtime.
If you change up the nap/bedtimes TOO much... it will make it worse.

When he wakes at 5:30, if he is not screaming/crying, just let him be. He might go back to sleep or play in his crib. My son used to do that. He was fine, without my interference. THEN when he did want OUT of the crib... he'd actually "call" me.

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answers from Detroit on

good luck with that!!!

kids wake up with the sun.. sun gets up earlier in the summer and so do kids..

it sounds crazy.. but you can try putting him to bed earlier.. he is likely to wake up at th same time no matter when you put him to bed so he migh as well go to bed early.

my daughter always gets up at 715... my son often gets up at 530 or 600 they go to bed at the same time and nap at the same time..



answers from Denver on

If there is a way to do it - I haven't found it. Mine are 3.5 and 2 and still get up by 6am every day (today was 5:30). It's just their schedule. Remember it won't last forever, and do your best to adjust your routine around his... good luck!



answers from Dallas on

maybe putthing him down earlier? also check the curtains in the room to make sure it is dark in there and a little fan on the floor for background noise will help. is he pooping? sometimes my daughter will wake up early and wont go back to sleep because she has pooped. she is 18 mos and she goes to bed at 6:30 and sleeps 12 hrs and usually does not wake up during the night.



answers from Charlotte on




answers from Phoenix on

my kids are up at 6-6:30 almost every day no matter what time they go to bed. I don't like it but it's what it is. they would get up earlier but I found black out curtains and white noise machines give me an extra hour. the earlier the sun is up the earlier they get up too. I understand, really, I don't get to bed early either for the same reasons and getting up early makes me grouchy. try the blackout curtains and white noise to get a little extra time. maybe put a sippy cup with a bit of water in there in case he is thirsty. make sure the temperature in his room is comfortable at that time too. good luck!



answers from Washington DC on

Could you try changing his schedule a little to see if that helps? He has quite an early nap , maybe try and hold out until 12 for the nap and see if that helps , sometimes being over tired causes them to sleep less. And like another poster said , even if he is awake don't go in and get him , see what he does , he may chat and play for a little and then go back to sleep.



answers from San Diego on

Hi Jennifer, As a parent you can;t control him waking up but you can control what time he gets up. Just because a child wakes up it doesn't mean they have to get up. Take charge and YOU decide what time he gets up. J.



answers from Pittsburgh on

You might be stuck with this phase for awhile!

Two thoughts:
1. Can you get to bed at least an hour earlier?
2. Do you think there is something waking up your son? A noise outside (a neighbor leaving for work, etc.?) If you think there might be, try some white noise or a soft music CD on repeat in his room at night.

Good luck!


answers from St. Louis on

My 8 month old goes down at 7pm and is up no later than 6am. My 2.5 year old goes to bed at 8 and is up usually around 630-7.

I agree with putting him down earlier - maybe try 630. I remember when my daughter was that age, she would sometimes go to bed around 630 and sleep until 6am the next morning (never without waking up though).

He may be requiring less sleep now that he's getting older so he may not need to sleep 13 hours a night. My kids both sleep 10 hours each night.

I suggest trying to do laundry and clean while he's awake - it will also give/teach him independence.

I return phone calls and shower once my kids go to bed and usually have about 1/2 hour to watch tv then it's off to bed for me since I get up early!



answers from Dallas on

You don't. You'll just have to change your schedule and go to bed earlier. Why not do chores at his nap time? If you need more time to finish everything, then put a video that lasts an hour or so on every afternoon and do some of your work then. Good luck!



answers from Dallas on

This one made me giggle. Only because when my 18 month old started babbling through the baby monitor this morning at 5:45 I was having a one way conversation with the baby monitor for her to go back to bed. :) Both of my kids are early risers (even if they stay up past their bed time, they are still up with the sun!). My son who is four has started sleeping in until 7:30 just recently. If there are any tricks I'd love to hear them.

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