All all the things that soothed her and gave her comfort has been taken away. All at the same time frame.
She didn't condition "you"... rather, you conditioned her, to her previous routine.
I don't know why, there is the 'blame' on an 18 month old, that the baby "controls" or conditions the Parent. Not saying you do this.
Anyway, I am sure, that when something dear and loved gets taken away from a child/baby... AND when it is part of their routine for their entire lives, that yes, it causes them angst. There is nothing wrong with that.
Sure a child will adapt and get used to it. BUT.... since her things/comforts were taken away so abruptly, the only kind of compromise, is to give her as much time as she needs... to adjust. Don't "rush" that either.... the thought that she has to adapt and tough it out, over night, is not fair.
Next, she is probably screaming in her crib, because THIS IS WHERE all her beloved things WERE/USED to be, and All her routines. It was warm and cozy and loving to her. NOW, that is all gone, her crib is now a "bad" place to be.... and being in her crib, probably reminds her, crystal clear, that her LOVED things are GONE. THIS is a feeling, that "frightens" her. It is not her fault. SHE IS NOT TRYING TO CONTROL YOU OR CONDITION YOU. She is ONLY an 18 month old baby, and her "routine" just suddenly disappeared.
For instance: suppose something you DEARLY loved and felt comfort in, SUDDENLY disappeared AND that the room and person you felt closest to and with, was NO LONGER THE SAME AND CHANGED overnight ... and gotten harsh and lonely? Wouldn't YOU go through a sort of "grieving" about it? For a baby, well... they only have so many ways to "communicate" sadness/loneliness/frustration/fear/that she 'misses' something, etc.
It is not puzzling, her current behavior. There has been an abrupt and dramatic 'change' in her life. So no wonder she is going through a lot of change herself AND in her sleep patterns. Its only normal.
She won't sleep on her toddler bed/fold-out-couch forever. My kids did that too at one point... and it was just a phase. They don't do it anymore. It served a purpose for a certain "need" in their lives for a short moment, and there is nothing wrong with that.
Kids go through TONS of "phases" and "needs." There is nothing wrong with that. BUT, we have to HELP them transition through it... not just change their habits and then expect them to cope perfectly. ie: being taught to swim by just throwing a child into the water and then verbally saying from the side-lines "swim!... paddle your arms! Float!", is NOT going to teach a child to swim. You need to be there with them... and show them etc.
Anyway, give your BABY time to adjust. Yes, it was too many things at one time to take away all of a sudden. But, well, just ALLOW her to cope now... and be patient.
And yes, a baby CAN HAVE FEARS, at this age. My kids, displayed and expressed things they "feared" from an early age. AND, yes, kids from this age, can have night-mares and "Night-terrors." Night-time... is often the hardest time of day for a baby/child to transition to or to wean from previous habits. The dark, the upcoming bedtime, change in day/night, etc.
A child/baby does not KNOW, that it has been 1-week, without their beloved things/comforts. To them, it was probably only yesterday.
All the best,