this is my first time to be on this web-site and it is not typical that I throw in my opinion online. However, after reading about your situation, I felt very compelled to just say a thing or two. First of all, your daughter is lucky that she has a mom that cares enough to be concerned about the current situation. I can't say I am speaking these words from experience, as my oldest daughter is 13, youngest girl two! (boy i'm in for a real treat!) But I gotta say this, and I only want to offer help, not critisize or chop you down for what you may/may not have done in the past, etc.Grab a we go.....ARE YOU KIDDING ME? SHE TREATS YOU TERRIBLY, YOUR HUSBAND, YOUR ABOUT TO GO COMPLETELY FALL APART, YOU HAVE ANOTHER CHILD WHO IS SEEING THIS BEHAVIOR AND *WILL* CERTAINLY EMMULATE IT AT SOME POINT, BUT IT IS HIGH-TIME FOR *YOU* TO LAY IT ON THE LINE! SHE IS NOT A CHILD ANYMORE, SHE IS 18. Honestly, you really have very little to do with with the choices she makes NOW. BUT while she is in YOUR home, she either abides by YOUR rules and regulations, respecting others, no profanity...etc.,whatever you feel strongly against, or leaves.If I were you, I would just get a cute lil duffel, pack a few things she would need away from home for a few nights, have it sitting in a corner (inconspicuously VISIBLE to her), and when she gets home you sit her down, and NO, she doesn't say 'oh mom, later' you mean NOW! and you have to really feel this to make this work. At that point, DO NOT CRY, do not let her see weakness, YOU tell HER the way it is going to be. I would certainly start with, "(NAME), you know I love you very much and I always will." Let her know she means so so much to you and that is why you have tolerated this behavior, maybe you thought it was just a phase. Well, as it turns out, YOU ARE SICK AND TIRED OF IT. THE BUCK STOPS HERE. She has already been warned about this (I DO HOPE) so now SHE has a choice to make since she is SO grown-up and all about making her OWN choices.YOU'RE MAKING IT SIMPLE, TWO OPTIONS...EITHER YOUR WAY, YOUR RULES, OR SHE CAN GRAB THE BAG AND LEAVE. D., if you love your daughter, DO NOT allow her to stomp all over you, throw tantrums, yell, whatever. Maybe you have dropped the ball in the past, but YOU ARE NOT this time. Forget about 'if I'd done this or that then maybe.....' That doesn't matter now, nothing can unwind the hands of time. But what is key is WHERE DO YOU GO FROM THIS DAY FORWARD? I'm just gonna shoot straight......PUT THE FEAR OF GOD IN HER. YOU LOOK AT HER, STARE HER DOWN, BEAT HER AT HER OWN GAME, AND TELL HER YOU ARE NOT, I REPEAT, ARE NOT PUTTING UP WITH HER OBSCENE AND NASTY ATTITUDE ANYMORE.This WILL work, if you FEEL CONFIDENT and stand your ground!You ARE NOT her friend, YOU ARE HER MOTHER and she WILL abide by your rules or walk out the door. This is the first step in renewing a relationship with your girl that will be fulfilling and nurturing and wonderful. *****WAIT TIL SHE IS OUT THAT DOOR TO BREAK-DOWN.**** DO NOT TRY TO STOP HER, JUST CARRY ON ABOUT YOUR BUSINESS. She is not leaving YOU, she is a teenager who is finding her way. And remember, for your girl...the road HOME will always lead to YOU! Tough love is critical NOW for positive results LATER. I hope the best and can't wait to get through this stage with mine, BOTH of them! BOY OH BOY! Good luck to you and your daughter and God bless.