Well... 2 things caught my attention
1) Well if he's in daycare all day, and is good there... then he's not doing it from wakeup until bedtime. "Just" during the early morning routine, and then evening routine. Both of which are totally normal meltdown times for toddlers. Sounds like daycare is getting him during mostly-normal hours, and you're getting him during the witching hours.
1.5) It's ALSO totally normal for toddlers to wig out when their schedule changes suddenly... like weekends. So if he's in daycare all week, then home on the weekends... even though it looks 'expected' to us... their time since is for scheisse. So it takes them MONTHS (if ever) to really adjust to 5 on 2 off.... AND totally normal for kids of all ages to exert self control around others, but then melt down and collapse around their parents. It's a trust thing. As in, they trust you to still love them and not hurt them. Not super helpful, but good to know.
2) Ummmm.... Hate to say this... but the 'Terrible 2's' (or Terrible 3's depending on the kid) really DO tend to last for 12 MONTHS (and earn their name). You may get a few weeks of love bug here and there, but it's a cognitive emotional development thing that really does tend to last for a whole durn year.
I have an ADHD kiddo, and am from an ADHD family, so my sense of 'normal' is slightly off. ADHD kids CAN throw whole day tantrums with no break. Hours and hours long. Some days, he was literally in time out ALL DAY (with just a few minutes of 'normal' in between hour long meltdowns). The neurotypical kids might throw 10 tantrums in a day, but the ADHD kids can throw ONE tantrum that can last 10 hours if you let it (there are ways to hijack an ADHD tantrum, but they're wildly different than stopping a neurotypical tantrum... ignoring them, for example, never works. And 1 minute per year of age does absolutely nothing).
One of the BEST things I learned from the toddler years, and that 10 years in, I'm still using:
Never get emotionally invested in an argument with a child.
Early on... I got caught up in my son's tantrums. They were exhausting. I was a ragged mess. And then, naturally, we fed off of each other. Then, one day, there was just a switch... and from then on... no matter how much he flails... I'm a rock. His emotional outbursts have zero effect on me (at least mentally/emotionally... they still get dealt with swiftly and immediately... but I quit getting emotionally invested in his meltdowns. I'd offer 1, he'd scream for 2, I'd offer 0. If you whine, you don't get what you want. If you throw a tantrum you don't get what you want AND you go on timeout. Timeout = you have to be completely calm BEFORE coming off, AND list out
- WHAT happened that sent you on timeout (screaming for 2, not holding hands, not listening, etc.),
- WHY (I wanted more, I was angry, I wanted to do it myself)
- 2 THINGS to do next time instead (ask nicely, take a deep breathe, etc.)
- Put it right (apologize, help clean up, try again)
Just my experience.