if shes not completely awake, i dont think that there is anything else that it could be except just simple talking in her sleep or something. nightmares would wake her up, so its not that.
kids who have night terrors arent completely awake and usually dont wake up at all. they dont last long, anywhere from a minute to 10 minutes... and as long as you are there responding to her, she will be fine. for a while if you are comfortable with it, she can sleep on the floor in your room or something. this way she is right there and you might just be able to talk to her from bed and get her back to sleep.
it is usually temporary.
one thing you could do is to wake her sometime before this starts happening and give her a drink, or take her potty if she is doing that. then you can do your bedtime routine with prayer or singing or whatever and put her back to bed. ive heard that helps a bit.
anyway. good luck.