My son was moved to his toddler bed when he was 2 and was fine for a few weeks then started getting up in the middle of the night and crying and fighting going down at bed time. We were also expecting a new baby soon and needed the crib so it was no turning back for us. He climbed over the gate I tried putting in front of his door, we did not want him sleeping in our bed, and he wouldn't sleep on our floor next to our bed or with us in his room. I thought I switched him early enough to give him time to adjust, 3mo, but he was horrible till the baby came and now that the baby is almost 4mo he has gotten better. All I can tell ya is that we picked one plan we were comfortable with and stuck to it. Every time he got up we just walked him back to his room, no discussion, not in a mean way, just quiet and calm. Now 6mo later he is finally sleeping through the night again most nights and not fighting going to bed. Pedi said he knows he can get out of his bed so he does. I tried to find other problems that could have caused it to happen and really couldn't pin one down. He would wake up tired and want to nap early b/c of it. He also started getting up really early in the morning on top of it all. So I gave up trying to find a cause and just dealt with it all, now it's almost over and I am so glad. Hang in there it really does suck and I was exhausted most days, it's hard goin when it's happening but it will pass, just be consistant in all that you do. I think mine jut realized that he doesn't have any other choices but his bed and finally gave up.