I agree with the prior posts, two year olds are very active and sometimes haven't learned how to calm themselves yet. Changes in their routines really seem to fuel their excitement - read get the adrenaline pumping - from which there is little "coming down" to nap.
What about talking with the teachers/director and asking for a slightly different "schedule" for her since she hasn't been taking to theirs and is disrupting the other kids? (They might be willing to offer some one on one help if it seems like you are asking so she doesn't bother the other nappers.) Maybe she can sit quietly, say after lunch, while the teachers "prep" the other kids for naps. Once the other kids are down, maybe they can sit a read with her or rock her while listening to some music - ANYTHING to NOT let her rock, roll in the cot, run around the room or otherwise get her adrenaline back up. She is probably ready to nap, but when her crib isn't there and she's expected to calm herself, she is instead getting that adrenaline kick to keep going because she doesn't see HER bed/crib/familiar napping area. Maybe if they can help her calm down instead of revving up, they can get her down in the cot while she's still awake, but sleepy.
Another thought - when she moved into the TWOs room did her schedule change? I wouldn't doubt that being out of the "baby room" that she is more active, into new things and trying to keep up with some slightly older kids. This might be "pooping her out" a little earlier too. So if she misses her "window" to nap when she's tired, the adrenaline might already be pumping and it will be harder to get her to sleep. Ask the teachers to keep a closer eye on her for signs of being tired, things you know that are specific to her, and general things like rubbing her eyes, "acting" tired, slowing down or getting cranky.
These "transition time" are always difficult for kids and parents. We kept my kids "lovies" where they could reach them when it was close to nap time. When they started to visit their lovie, we knew it was time to get them down - even if it seemed ridiculously early. It was their silent way of saying, "Hi there my friend. I'm tired of this other stuff and needed to come see you."
Best of luck!