I've definitely been sick during pregnancy, and it is MUCH better to be sick now than with your newborn, so get to your regular doctor's and if you need anything they will tell you what is safe. I was hoping to have this baby early (he's due in a week and my last was 3 weeks early) but I had a HORRIBLE stomach flu last week and am so thankful I was pregnant and not caring for a newborn. I had bronchitis about a week after my second child was born and it was so miserable caring for him and a toddler at the same time.
Just push yourself with fluids, even if you don't want them--popsicles, Gatorade, juice, water, ice chips, whatever you can get down--and get a regular sick appointment. They should be able to get you in first thing if you call and tell them what's going on and that you're pregnant. I think pregnancy and hormones can also make other "normal" illnesses feel so much worse, especially since we can't take things to manage the symptoms. Run a humidifier in your room at night, too, since the moisture might help you breathe better, and/or sleep on the couch with lots of pillows. That's been helping me in general.