4 Month Old Feeding Issues

Updated on December 06, 2008
J.C. asks from Riverview, MI
7 answers

My 4 month old daughter has recently started not wanting to eat. We offer her bottle at normal meal times 3-4 hours apart and she will cry and fuss and move her head. Seh seems hungry. (She roots and looks for nipple.) We attributed it to gas at first and have been giving mylicon like crazy. A little background info: She diagnosed with sever acid reflux at 3 days old. She had "Choking" episodes from the reflux and was placed on zantac. We thought that the reflux was under control. (Her choking sypmtoms have all but disappeared.) She is on Similac hypoallergenic formula and also takes rice cereal in the bottle to keep food in tummy. She takes 3 ML of zantac per day. She is gaining weight very well and is actually in 90th percentile for weight gain. We recently saw our GI doctor and they recommended switching to oatmeal instead of rice cereal to see if that helps gassiness. We are starting oatmeal at next bottle. Just wondering if anyone else experienced such things and what did you do? Is it possible it is the acid reflux and the choking symptoms just are not there? And did any other acid reflux babies have an aversion to eating? It has come to a breaking point. The past few nights it has taken hours to settle her to sleep. She is usually a very relaxed good natured baby and now she seems to be miserable. I am too. Please help. Any tips would be great.

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answers from Saginaw on

Enfamil A.R. is what you need to use. It has the rice starch in the formula but ground down so there is no choking risk. That's what we used after trying many many formulas for both my acid reflux kids. The only other formula that was good was Good Start (Made By Carnation but more expensive than the other formulas) and they did very well on that, but when my husband got laid off we were forced onto WIC and they only use Enfamil products. Gentlease he puked on but the A.R. was definately a winner. I would not recommend cereal in bottles ever, feed it by spoon if you need it in her tummy to hold things down. With the A.R. it thickens after it mixes with the water to add weight, in fact I only used 3 scoops in what should have been 4 scoop bottles otherwise it got clumps that would plug the nipples.
Also my Dr. prescribes PREVACID meltables that we break to his size instead of the Zantac.
Good luck!



answers from Kalamazoo on

Most babies go through some sort of "feeding strike" so don't panic, it is normal. Our daughter could take and hour or two to eat just 3 oz. when she was little. She'd just scream and fuss and make a mess with it. Then other times she did great. It kind of went in cycles. By the time she started on solids she did great. She just wasn't too interested in formula (but had refused to breastfeed at 8 weeks...). We did the similac soy formula. Anyway, just hang in there. Keep giving it to her even when it takes a long time for her to accept it. She'll get over it and I wouldn't worry about it being because of reflux or anything as long as she isn't choking or something like that.

Best wishes!



answers from Detroit on

i heard that oatmeal can cause some tummy upsets...switch back to the rice that you have been using and see if anything changes, then try the oatmeal again. If oatmeal still doesn't sit well, talk to your doc about it and he might recommend something else.



answers from Detroit on

Hi J., It sounds like a teething problem to me, judging by the age, and everything that you said that is. This will make it hurt to suck on a bottle even. I would give her some pain medicine (whatever your doc recommends for her, but ibuprofen, advil will help the swelling more than tylenol) but follow your doctors recommendation about what and how much. You can get some baby anbisol/orajel. They make it that comes in a cotton swab and is very easy to use, but you can just get a tube and put it on your finger to apply it, and use it right before you feed her so that it doesn't hurt so much.

If she doesn't have any teething toys, then a cold wet wash cloth will work wonders, just let her chew and suck on it. Make sure your hands are clean and she will enjoy chewing on your finger. Anything cold and firm but flexible with feel good to her, just make sure that it can't break off and become a choking hazzard.

I know that 4 months seems young, but my daught had 2 teeth at 3 months and 4 by 5 months. The baby books are there for quidelines as to ages. So, if nothing else is working, check her teeth.



answers from Detroit on

I would go back to your doctor with your concerns. OR at least call the nurse at the ped. office. I am sure that if her reflux is bad she may not have the same symptoms as before because she is older. Also the other moms are right. Teething can change the way she eats. All you can do is ask the doctor and make sure she is not in pain from the reflux then if it is teething there are many things that can help with that at home. Like teethers in the fridge, tylenol, etc. Good luck:) Jen



answers from Detroit on


I am so sorry to hear about your little girl having so much trouble. I don't know personally per se with my children, however, my sister had the same problem with her youngest two children. She had to place her children on I believe it's Lipil formula. She also uses the powder version only. The doctor said that the liquid formula may be too harsh for them. Therefore, she's used that with the gas drops and my nephews improve drastically. At least to the point to where they were able to keep their bottle down.

It's strange to think that infants can have acid reflux. We thought the babies had colic, but it progressed and she couldn't take it anymore. It's hard to see that, but don't beat yourself up and continue to explore what will work best for her. Ask your doctor about switching on something similar, I hear Carnation formula is also sensitive to their little tummies as well. Plus, don't rule out teething.......it's never too early because each baby is so different.

Take care and best of luck!




answers from Detroit on

I second the teething recommendation! Sucking adds pressure to the gums. Teethers that you can put in the fridge or that have little nubs - or just a wash cloth dipped in icewater. Wring the extra water out and kind of wind it up. Motrin works great too, much better than Tylenol for teething.

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