I feel for you...a hydrocele means the sachasn't fallen in the scrotum area/fluid filled. Nothing serious and more than likely it will fall on it's own as my sons did. We were told that about my son Anthony who by the way had open heart surgery at 3 days old and although is doing well considering, we live at hospitals and drs. My first piece of advice would be to do the best you can to try and stay relaxed. Your baby feeds off of your feelings so if you "seem" ok then he too will feel that. I'm not saying that this is going to be easy for you. It will be harder on you than on him. You as the mom need to hold it together so that your child(ren) learn that although things might not be comfortable/things may hurt a little, you are there and everything will be ok. My son, now 3, always knows what is going to happen in advance(in terms he can understand). There really isn't much to say since he is young and will not remember this anyway, but say some prayers, cry to family and friends but stay strong for your kids. Best of luck!!!!!