5 Month Old Won't Nap

Updated on April 23, 2007
A.L. asks from Tampa, FL
7 answers

I am having the toughest time to get my 5 month old son to nap. He goes down for the night at 6:30 without any hesitation and he's up at 7 a.m., but naps are a different story. I've tried keeping him up later thinking that would help, but by 6:30/7:00 he is done for the night. I've also read "Healthy Sleep, Happy Child". He fights napping so hard, and when I do get him to sleep it's only for 20-30 minutes so when he wakes up he's still tired and cranky. Ideally I want him to nap in his crib, but I've also tried letting him sleep in the swing or the bouncy seat. Those only work occasionally. On a couple occasions he's had slight tremors (which we have an appointment with a neurologist for) and I'm convinced it's because he is sleep deprived during the day. Each time the tremors happened he had been fighting a nap for a couple hours and was exhausted. What can I do to get him to nap? I've tried everything I can think of.

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answers from Tampa on

I also had a hard time with my son not wanting to nap, but we have finally got it down. I don't know about your son, but mine is a whiner. When he gets tired, he begins to whine. I've learned to put him down then. We also do the same thing for every nap...turn on his mobile, turn on a humidifier, hand him his woobie(blankie) and give him a pacifier. I started out rocking him with a pacifier and woobie until he was asleep. Then I moved on to only rocking him until he was starting to fall asleep. Now I lay him down awake. He does very well most days, but if he starts to whine and fuss in the crib, then I go in and check on him in 5 minute intervals until he's asleep. I hope this helps.

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answers from Tampa on

The outside time and tubby time is a great idea. Also giving him a fully belly is also a great idea. Also try creating a soothing environment around his crib. Playing the baby einstien lullabies worked for my son. It helps him with his routine and calms him right down. By the end of the cd he is sound asleep! Good luck sweet dreams



answers from Tampa on

Did your son nap before without any problem? My daughter goes through phases with her napping. Right now, at 10 months she's taking about 2 naps a day and they both last about 2 hours, give or take. But she has gone through phases on more than one occassion when she did not want to go to sleep, and she did the whole crying and shaking thing, fighting me every step of the way. I finally just figured I'd let her let me know when she is tired, until she got back into a routine. Once she starts rubbing her eyes or kinding staying put in one place for a while, i know she's getting tired and I personally prefer to hold her until she falls asleep. I've found that it calms her down faster than putting her in her crib to put herself to sleep, and I just can't stand to listen to her cry. I definitely agree with the baths and the stroller, it will help to put your son on a schedule. However, as I'm sure you've discovered, a baby's schedule is ever changing in regards to naps - when they take them, how long, what they prefer to help them fall asleep. My ped. told me not to be afriad of changes in her schedule b/c as she's getting older her "clock" is adjusting and she doesn't need as much time to nap. If your schedule allows it, be flexible and watch your son for signs that he's getting sleepy, but to get him on some sort of schedule, do relaxing things at about the same time every day. Also, I recommend for in the bath, the Johnson's Lavender Bedtime Bath or even the soothing vapors (that one really relaxes my daughter, more so than the lavender). It's for babies over 3 months, all you need are a few drops.



answers from Sarasota on

I agree that the stroller might be a good option. my daughter also was not a good napper back then. Later, when she was older I started to let her cry it out and now she's a wonderful napper (at home in the crib anyways)....so don't think that if you start strolling him that he will always need to be strolled!



answers from Tampa on

What about taking for a ride in the car, or in the stroller? Then just carry the infant seat into the house and put him in the seat in his crib. That is what I had to do on occasion with my kids.



answers from Tampa on

I read all of the other advice that you've been given. If it works, more power to you. My daughter was a 2 a day napper until aboout 1, then 1 a day until about 18 months. Not a single nap since then. It just wasn't worth the struggle to get her down for the nap. She's now 4 and we're on a pretty good schedule, but she just doesn't need to nap. She doesn't get tired and cranky without a nap, and if she does take a nap (maybe once month when we've had a REALLY busy day or didn't sleep well the night before), it's midnight before she falls asleep for the night. So, obviously, NO NAP is my preference. I just can't stay up that late anymore.... I guess what I'm saying is, be patient -- you and your son will fall into the routine that suits you both best. I know the time before you settle into that routine can be challenging, but hang in there - it's right around the corner.

Best Wishes -- And sweet dreams little guy....We'll keep you in our prayers for those tremors, but I'm sure everything will be fine. good luck.



answers from Tampa on

A.....wear him out during morning hours outside as much as possible and then start giving him a bath with splashing and all after playing outside then give him a FULL tummy of whatever you feed him and he will go down without a problem but do not let him go more than 2 hours or this with mess your whole routine of night sleeping up and once he is awake after nap just play inside since he has had his bath or you can choose to do 2 baths a day. Let me know how this works!

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